
This test is about your knowledge on beanie boos. they are lovly things to collect , some rare some not but all very very very super super super cute!

Do you have the brain to answer all the questions correctly?Are you an amazing collector? could you be the genius Beanie Boo Boy/Girl? well try taking the test and see! :)

Created by: bubbles

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  1. Whtch is a beanie boo thats a justice exclusive and there was only one box of her made and is blue?
  2. Whitch beanie boo has the birthday of october 30th and is a ghost?
  3. Witch justice exclusive is a zebra that is pink black and white?
  4. witch beanie boo was one of the first to be release that had the name changed to kooky?
  5. What beanie boo that's name begins with c was a bushbaby?
  6. Witch beanie boo has a twin called cancun and is a justice exclusive?
  7. Whats the name of the website
  8. Witch of the following is the coolest beanie boo?
  9. Witch is not a beanie boo?
  10. Stripes is rare?

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