
Are you a big The Hunger Games fan? Have you read and reread the books? Seen the movie thousands of times? And have you ever wondered if you would survive the Games? If you answered yes to that last question than this quiz is for you!

This quiz combined various questions and scenarios to determine if you could be a victor of The Hunger Games. Please tell me what you think, when you are finished!

Created by: BookNerd12345678

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have any martial arts, survival training, or self-defense training?
  2. Can you hunt?
  3. What district are you from?
  4. Would you go to the Cornucopia?
  5. Scenario: A career is about to shoot you, with an arrow. You:
  6. Weapon of choice (No effect)
  7. Do you make an alliance?
  8. Scenario: You receive a gift from a sponsor. What do you do with the empty container?
  9. Scenario: You have a bad burn on you're arm. There is a feast at the Cornucopia. You know there will be something to help you. Do you risk going?
  10. Scenario: There are four tributes left, 2 of them are careers, you are not a career, and the other is an older boy. You:
  11. Scenario: The arena has 4 sections: A forest, a beach (with lake), a desert, and snow. Which do you chose to hide in?
  12. Have you ever considered forming a Hunger Games strategy? (In real life?)

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