avatar the last airbender...very easy

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Created by: bawb
  1. who is the avatar before kyoshi?
  2. who is the avatar before roku?
  3. who is zuko's maternal great grandfather?
  4. what is katara's name in the fire nation?
  5. in what episode can you hear this line...and who said that line? "even though i was born blind, i never had a problem seeing, i see with earthbending..."
  6. what did sokka called the combustion man before?
  7. in what episode can you hear this line, and who said this line? "what? im not good enough to kidnap?"
  8. avatar kuruk tried to kill...
  9. who was the king that was assassinated by avatar kyoshi?
  10. what did ozai stated to fire lord azulon when he asked to give iroh's birth rite to him.?
  11. iroh owns a teashop in...
  12. in the show, a lot of girls got interested in sokka, which of these girls were not...?
  13. fire lord ozai and princess ursa had to children, who is not a child of ozai and ursa?
  14. who was aang's airbending teacher?
  15. in what episode did sokka take a haiku challenge?
  16. what creature can be found in a bay near kyoshi island?
  17. who was the avatar before avatar kuruk?
  18. what was in the southern air temple sanctuary?
  19. all of these were present and past leaders, which of them are not?
  20. true or false, bumi is just as old as aang.
  21. if an avatar is killed in the avatar state. what will happen?
  22. who is the king of omashu?
  23. what kind of bear is bosco?
  24. the fire nation is located at the...
  25. last one. how old is zuko?

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