Atoms Molecule and Ion

There are many people who are very smart in this world, but there are just some who are true masters of molecules and chemistry. This quiz is just to check your bravery.

This is just to check how brave you are? If you are intelligent enough just try this quiz and try to solve this quiz and show your understanding and just few minutes you will find where you stand.

Created by: Minahil khurram

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  1. State the numbers and types of atoms present in carbon tetrachloride ccl4.
  2. What is atom made up of?
  3. What does chemical formulae of molecule show?
  4. What does molecule of element consist of?
  5. What is a molecule?
  6. What is ion?
  7. What is atomic number of Na?
  8. What is the symbol of water?
  9. What is the chemical formula of carbon monoxide?
  10. Symbol of hydrogen.

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