Are Your My Type?? (for guys)

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Hey! My name is Carlie, a 14 year old that has only been in a relationship twice. I'm wanting to have a relationship again hopefully. Maybe you're the one for me :)

(Remember, this is just a general summary of what I look for in a guy. If you get a low score, it doesn't mean I would 100% not be interested in you.)

Created by: Idk_haha
  1. What's your gender? (If you're a girl, I'm sorry)
  2. What's your age?
  3. Cats or Dogs?
  4. Favorite food:
  5. Are you funny?
  6. How often would you FaceTime?
  7. What do you look for in a girl?
  8. How much longer?? Don't worry I'll try to speed up the questions :) What type of boy are you?
  9. I listen to One Direction, and their solo careers' music. Still want to date me?
  10. How do you picture our first date?
  11. I have dark brown wavy hair, sort of tan skin, brown eyes with some green in them, slim, athletic, sensitive at times, can NOT dance, funny, smart, and sometimes doesn't know when to hold my tongue. Am I your type?
  12. How would rate this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am Ir My Type?? (for guys)
