Are You Well-Versed in Etiquette?

Behavioral expectations are vastly different today than those of the 1960's and prior. Such propriety is not enforced or even encouraged in this modern era. Please don't be swayed. Etiquette is still important!

Are you still in tune with the etiquette of previous times? Are you a lady/gentleman with grace and class? Do you have impeccable manners? Take this quiz to find out how classy you are!

Created by: misstori48

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. When hosting a dinner party, which of the following should a good host do?
  2. What should you do when you have missed a call and an unfamiliar number appears on your caller I.D.?
  3. When is the most appropriate time to distribute your business card at a meal?
  4. In the world of wedding etiquette, ___________ is an absolute must while _________ is a tradition that is no longer required.
  5. In the American style of eating, to signal to the waiter that you are finished with your meal, you:
  6. When is the appropriate time for you to place your napkin in your lap when dining?
  7. If you receive an invitation to a party, is it okay to ask if you may bring another guest?
  8. Which conversation topic is appropriate for small talk with coworkers?
  9. What is the most encouraged turnaround time for responding to a business email?
  10. Which food is not okay to eat with your fingers?

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Quiz topic: Am I Well-Versed in Etiquette?