Are you ugly or hot?

You are so amazing I can not explain it!!! You're really wise at picking the choices you think are right! Everyone will think you're a hot genius! Just still don't think yourself as the hottest person in the world.

You tried and you to good! You are between ugly and hot! So you're cute!!! You are a little wise but not a lot. Don't let anyone defeat the rest of your day!

Created by: Shannon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How do you dress?
  2. What makeup type?
  3. What eye color do you have?
  4. What clothes would you wear?
  5. who's the famous person you would date?
  6. What show would you watch?
  7. Where would you go?
  8. What print?
  9. What book?
  10. What animal?

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Quiz topic: Am I ugly or hot?