Are you tuff? =D

Do you think your tuff? Do you have what it takes to stand up for yourself, without going over board? Why do you think this? What makes you think this? This quiz might help you find out a little bit more about yourself....! S go ahead and try it!

Unless you aren't tuff enough...Hahaha...Just kidding, anyone can take the quiz, any where, anythime. So Come on already! Why are you wasting your time reading this anyway?!?! Tell your friend...Or anyone! Toddles!

Created by: Emily
  1. Its lunch time, you have a brand new white tee shirt on. Then Jake, The new kid, Bumps into you and get monday suprise all over you....Next you...
  2. You make a new flower pot in art for your mom on mothers day. Brent picks it up, then tosses it to Josh, Who tosses it to Jamie, who then drops it. They all laugh....What do you do?
  3. Shana cut in front of you in line...You...
  4. You are sitting behind Matt in social Studies, He accidentally cuts a peice of your hair off...
  5. Jordan sprays Axe on you, which you have serious allergies with...
  6. You fall on the stairs...And everyone is laughing at you...
  7. You have been playing basketball in the 85 degree weather. You go to get a drink, then Bob goes right infront of you and starts drinking for a long...long...time...
  8. You freinds descride you as...(Pick the closest....)
  9. what do you think you are?
  10. Wasn't this quiz awsome? =D

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Quiz topic: Am I tuff? =D