Are you transgender (MtF)? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you transgender (MtF)?

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  • All you guys should now th e surgery ranges from 2'000 to 138,000 dollars

  • nah this gave me the boost of affirmation i needed

  • I want to be my true self but I am scared to be who I am cuz of the unsupportive culture of Asians ;-; what do I do?

  • I'm a trans guy and I got cis guy yayy lol

  • 87% transgender i wish i couldve been born a female i also wish i could afford the surgery to become a female. from the age of to at nursery i was always diapered and put in girly clothing for punishment for wetting myself to try humilate me from doing it again it never worked out for them though because i loved being in girly clothing that much i always wet myself so i could be punished and put in girly clothing. this lasted until i started secondary school my teachers always put me on there desk and diaperred me and put on the girliest clothing the school had i loved it but my mum would always dress me as a boy when i got home from school luckily most of my friends wer female so i wouuld go out to play with them and dress up in some of their clothes and pantys ive always worn female pantys most of my life when i wasnt diapered when i started secondary school they never punished me by making me wear girls clothes so i wass always dressed in boys clothes and put in a diaper when i tried to get the same punishment i had at primary schoool but never happened so it was just wearing female pantys and dressing in either my female friends clothes or my male friends sisters clothes now im 43 yearsold and have been crossdressing since i was about 22 in private but recently i have started going out in public wearing female clothing and i have more female clothing than male clothing now if i came into money tomoro and it was enough money to pay for gender reasignment surgery it would be a no brainer

  • I got 85% of being mtf. Nice to know my gender now :)

  • Yes it's true 86 percent mtf that I am

  • I feel like I am female. Every single morning I wear some lipstick in my bathroom to feel myself at least those few precious minutes every day. When I'm alone I wear a bra and my wife clothes as long as I can and I feel so nice winthin.

    I also created some hypnosis recording for my own usage, trying to get more courage to move forward with it. It looks like it helps. Listening to them every day or so.

    Finally with mobile photo gender swap apps I took more than 10000 pictures of me as a woman. I dream of this being the real me :*(

    I even started to definitely remove my facial hair... Can't wait for this to be done !!! I'am at half of it and my friends are wondering why my cheeks are very often read or "iritated"...

    I wish I will get the courage to do my coming out but I am terribly afraid.

    - I'm tall and 40+ so I'm afraid to look like a monster for the others and lose all my social life. Today I feel like I'm not right with my body, I have harder time to cope with it but at least I have a great life for every other aspects of it.

    - I'm afraid to lose my kids, that are both not even teenagers.

    - I love my wife, I'm afraid to lose her as well. She's not very open regarding girls loving girls, so myself turning my body into a girl would hurt. And I fear that she won't desire me as a girl.

    - I'm afraid to lose my job and not be able to survive...

    I created my company to try to get the money I need to change life... Its a fight against time as the older I grow the harder it will be... I'm working HARD to succeed. I NEED to succeed.

    Love you all and thank you for all advices and caring <3

  • I So want to restart my transition journey again so many purges due to health issues, working conditions, current lack of passibility as female, age, and lack of funds to complete gender affirming journey. These are delaying my journey to be in the outside the woman inside crying out for her release and be free to fully express my femininity as a woman.

  • Well here I am again. Another quiz saying that im mtf. Unfortunately it doesn't make me feel better or make my life any easier. I wish that I could snap my fingers and fix everything

    • Terri I can so very much understand and support you there, we share the same dream!! Best of luck and courage sister.

    • I want to live my dream too but I am too scared

  • i too feel your pain and struggle. All my life I wanted to be female and have gone through the route of desire/denial to be my "true self". Unfortunately for me, life can be cruel as you get older... I have self-medicated with hormones to "test" whether I actually had the will power to see where it would lead me. I grew breasts as I have always envisioned, but the reality is my other physical male characteristics remained. I am contempt knowing I had at least explored my femininity. I wish you all the best with your journey as well.

    • You pushed it beyond my wildest dreams. We can't change our body shape of course :( A feminine face and breast would be already sooooooo satisfying to me. That means hormones, which I will IF I get the courage to do my f---ing coming out....... and surgery, which I will do as well if I can pay. The big question is about the money...

  • 92% female. I feel 100%. Love going out weekend.

    I love once a month at the salon with the girls. None of hem unspectacular this 6 ft woman on the inside and 6" of male on the outside. I love switching shades of blondehaircolor.

    June Everlyn
  • I'm not a female but I wear panties and tights and bra's and dresses all the time. I pretend that I am a female and I love it. I can't wait to save up money to get male to female surgery. I've always wanted to give birth as well. Being a male I can't do that and I hate it. Me being a female I would love to get pregnant and give birth to so many kids

  • Gostei muito desse questionrio onde pude me identificar como tal.


    Trisha pantyhose
  • Yesss

    Trisha pantyhose
  • Ysass

    Trisha pantyhose
  • I scored a 90% score can anyone help me because Im nervous to tell my parents that I want to become trans but I try to keep it a secret as sometimes I would go to the bathroom and wear female clothes

    Im 12 btw

    Mario Mak
    • I really want to get a MTF surgery

      Mario Mak
    • And I have gender dysrophobia

      Mario Mak
    • Dear Mario, I wish I knew that could be possible when I was your age. No Internet at this time ^^

      At your place I'd:

      - Save some sperm in some bank, very important because someday you may want to have kids and if you are with a woman this would make everything possible for you and her.

      - Give yourself like 2-3 to transition without taking hormones to see if you're really there. Because there's no coming back.

      Your message is one year old so what happened during that year?

      Take great care of yourself.

  • I am transgender mtf fully transitioned and i can honestly say I am a lot happier now and i am also a Lesbian. I am currently married to my beautiful and loving wife as trans woman lesbian

    • Rose, I am so happy for you. How wonderful it must be to be a trans lesbian woman.

    • Awww thank you this really means a lot me. Currently working getting

    • Feminine vocalization surgery so that I can have a higher pitch voice because my current voice gives some gender dysphoria

    • Rose you live my dream life!! I'm happy to know that somewhere it is not just my dream and you makes it more real.

      Take care!

    • Aww thank you for the kind words Kira it really means alot. Wishing you the best of luck on transition hope it goes well and Smooth.


  • As a small boy I wanted to be June Cleaver. I graduated to Donna Reed, the Farmer's Daughter. I had a sympathetic mother who bleached my hair platnium blonde and allowed me to wear my hair shoulder length. She got me enrolled as a girl in an all girl's high school. I was able to start hrt in high school and by the time I started college was ready for SRS. I legally changed my name to Barbara Bilingsly's June Evelyn Bronson. I never leave the house without makeup in a dress. I've had feminized facial surgery, a nose, and boob job. Also I had surgery to shape my waist line in true hour-glass figure.

    A disciplined beauty thanks to my mother and Barbara Billingsley.

    June Everlyn
  • I want to be a crossdresser and then mtf but family is a big cause in it. I do not care about society whether they like me or hate me. I have gone many times in public as crossdresser and felt pride. I do not even hasitate to buy woman clothes from store. I even willing to help anyone to go out for woman clothing or go as male to my mtf person to give them company

    We just need to be respectful to others. If they are not then ignore them. I like transman living with transwoman because they can intercourse naturally. Imagine a girl is giving a good time to a guy. I really want to change me sex mtf and married with transman. I hope it is possible.

    Mtf cd
  • I love to dress up whit girls my wife friend an her cute an her to girls all dressed me up it was so much fun I did not want it to end I love girly things

    Ronda girl
  • I am a 44 year old female forced to live as a male my whole life by a society that wouldnt understand and except me for who I really am. I finally said to hell with anyone that doesnt like it I deserve to be happy. I am currently doing GAHT. Thanks to a place called Planned Parenthood. Such a wonderful place and very helpful people. I am now trying to see if my Indiana gov health insurance will recognize my Gender Dysphoria and help me with some of the many surgerys I will need to have to feel I look as physically female as I truly am. If anyone one reading this can help me with anything mental monetarily or surgically I will forever be thankful. I just need this so bad.I have a wonderful girlfriend and two small children so saving the money is nearly impossible and having money to pay back a loan is just as hard not to mention my credit score has never been good enough to walk-in and get a loan. Signed truly gender trapped. I have contact info of!

  • I wouldn't mind looking in the mirror and seeing a beautiful woman. I keep dreaming of a beautiful woman-myself I believe alone walking on a beach. She or I seems happy and at peace. A piece of me did always wish I could dress as an Indian woman of wealth in a lehenga and dupatta. Or wear any evening gown I want to wear then go to a cocktail dress, a pencil skirt, or wear a midriff. It must be nice to wear any clothing you wish. I've been ill all my life with a genetic illness that made me no larger than five feet seven inches. Some of the medications I take have made made it where my male clothes never fit me correctly. I accidentally years ago thought a pair of khakis were mine placed them on and they fit me perfectly. They were my sister's size six khakis. I could wear a size six clothing. That tells you I am petite. I was born with more hair than either of my sisters at birth. All my relatives have touched it and talk about how soft it is. People swear I sound like a woman on the phone like I have a honeyed voice. I have my mother's high cheekbones. I write stories about young adult female superheroes for all ages. I even have started writing about twins that change sexes to fight evil when given divine gifts. I guess I will at least imagine that I could be like them. If I could sell my books, make big money, and change my identity...well I'd maybe go for it. Otherwise I will just dream that I can. I unfortunately have gynecomastia and even smoother skin because of a medicine I must take to combat a health problem. The problems just keep adding up for me. I wish I could be the princess in the story and have a happily ever after. I'd love for my dream to come true someday. Adversity is life. Life isn't meant to be a fairy tale. I could definitely testify to that. Also, I have too many people who already object to such a move from family. friends. etc...

    • I honestly agree with the looking in the mirror and seeing a beautiful female like myself after I get the surgery

  • Omg 94% woman, this put a huge smile on my face and gave me butterflies in my stomach, how exciting to know that the results agreed with what I knew deep inside. YAASSS!!!


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