Are you the true animal lover?

Hey everybody! ok this quiz is kinda like a test. I will test you see if you are the true animal lover! there is so many of people who are of course the true animal lover! WHO will be the true animal lover?

Are YOU the animal lover? then take this quiz! Be pepare to take this because there are some trick question! watch out for that! Again who are the true animal lover!?

Created by: Holly
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you think animal have feelings?(Example: if you feel crushed and the animal/pet try to make you feel better)
  2. Do you care about endangered animal?
  3. Do you like harmful animals?
  4. Do you really care about your pets if they were sick?
  5. Would you adopt a pet that has special needs?
  6. would be willing to risk your life to rescue an animal when it was dangerous?
  7. Do you think that animals/pets and people can have a relationship?
  8. Can you name an animal that starts with every letter of the alphabet?
  9. would you groom, pet, feed, and walk them everyday?
  10. Do you know how many dog years in one people year?

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Quiz topic: Am I the true animal lover?