are you the perfect bff?

There are a lot of bffs in the world bffs are ppl who stick but each other and lover each other nd stand by their side no matter what and if you have a bff you need to take really good care of ur friendship bcuz sometimes that friendship wont happen again with another like me I lost my bff weni moved from ny to fl but we still r bffs !!

are you the perfect bff do u love your bff wel your going to find out whether u belong together good if you liked this quiz then ur awesome but I had some troubles sorry im new to this and I didn't really get some of it......

Created by: Danielle

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. your friend just invited you to the beach what do you say?
  2. you just got a new lap top and u hooked up a password would you
  3. you are goin to s party but ur bff is not invited do you
  4. you and your friend have a lot in commin
  5. what type of girls r u? her/you
  6. do u guys share secorites??
  7. do u guys barrow thngs from each other
  8. what things do you guys do? you/her
  9. if your friend says se has bad news do you
  10. how many fights/ arguments do u think/guess had already?

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Quiz topic: Am I the perfect bff?