Are you THE DARK?

Being THE DARK is a matter of your very own personality. Being dark doesn't mean to be a person who is just calm and silent. A dark personality is a rather good personality.

You think you're THE DARK? You think you aren't? You feel like you are not the person from inside as from outside? No problem mate! Find out here!!!!!

Created by: Avick khan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Are you honest?
  2. Your companions are...
  3. Are you sarcastic?
  4. Do you like to bully?
  5. Do you often quarell?
  6. I like my own style
  7. Are you happy with life?
  8. Do you find yourself being joker of the place?
  9. Do you care about what others think?
  10. Finally, do you criticise people?
  11. Just joking, that wasn't the final one. Do you want to be the dark?

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Quiz topic: Am I THE DARK?