are you sure your emo?

do you really want to know if your emo? well than take this quiz and find out if you really do hate life or your just a poser who wears Abercrombie & Fitch!

are you emo? do you have the guts to really cut yourself and not just draw a cut? do you seriously think your emo?just take this quiz and you'll find out if your a emo or a wannabe

Created by: Ashton Jones
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you like to cut yourself?
  2. do you like the movie Rocky Horror Picture Show?
  3. do you like preppy guys?
  4. do people think your a poser?
  5. do you wear black all the time?
  6. do you like to wear it?
  7. when people tell you to lift your jacket do you say no?
  8. is your room filled with emo posters?
  9. do you tell people your emo?
  10. are you sure your emo?

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Quiz topic: Am I sure my emo?