Are You Superficial?

Are you someone who cares about looks more then personality? Someone who cares about Personality rather then what Clothes people where? Are you very superficial? Would you date someone just for how nice their car is?

Find out in this quiz... Superficial, in between or not at all? Do looks blind your eyes from the truth or do you see someone for what they are within? The Answers Revealed HERE and NOW.

Created by: Batia

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You like a guy/girl who is...
  2. You find out someone likes you, they aren't the most attractive but they are very sweet, you...
  3. You are given some money to spend, you...
  4. Your friends like you because...
  5. You like your friends because...
  6. You dislike people who are...
  7. Would you say you are superficial?
  8. You take pride in...
  9. You would say you...
  10. Having the nicest clothes and the not so nice friends or Having the nicest friends and not so nice clothes

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Quiz topic: Am I Superficial?