are you super model material?

hey people this quiz truely tells you whether you are or are not SUPER MODEL MATERIAL yaay!!! this quiz is almost pointless but still fun, just take it and please comment telling me what you got

are youSUPER MODEL MATERIAL? do you really think YOU could make it in the HIGH FASHION WORLD? now is the final chance to find out if you are right or if you are a loser who could simply now nothing in fashion just kidding =D so come on and take the stupid thing!!1

Created by: cheyenne
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your body type?
  2. how tall are you?
  3. what is your style
  4. what is your hair color?
  5. how do you walk?
  6. favorite kind of color?
  7. why did you take this quiz?
  8. im running out of ideas for questions so just pick one that you think is cool
  9. umm, do the same thing as #10
  10. well this is the end of the quiz.. are you ready to see what your results are??

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Quiz topic: Am I super model material?