Are you straight,lesbian or bisexual?

Hey guys. I'm back as happypuppy. I know yall have missed me and all but whatever. So how are yall? I'm doing fine. I have been working on ideas and drawing.

Welp anyways. Just remember this is for fun. So don't go ranting on my booty if I say your bisexual and your not. I hate labeling but I mean hey I thought this quiz would be nice.

Created by: Anime_Couples
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. First of all. This is just fun. I'm not saying your gay or straight or whatever.
  2. What are you attracted to for now?
  3. Do you find yourself calling other girls your gender hot,sexy or pretty?
  4. Do you like long hair on guys? Or do you like short hair on girls?
  5. Do you like seeing guys run there hand up girls bodies or girls to guys?
  6. If the most gorgeous person the opposite gender begged you to go out would you?
  7. What clothes do you wear?
  8. If I make a Anime love story on my happypuppy account would you take it?
  9. Did you like the quiz?
  10. Byeeeeeee!

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Quiz topic: Am I straight,lesbian or bisexual?