Are you still a Baby?

Feeling sad that time is going by so quickly? Then try this this quiz. By taking this quiz you can find out if you are keeping up with your time or if you are still a young little tyke inside.

If you feel really old on the outside but really young on the inside then take this quiz to find out which one is right, upside is you don't have to answer all the questions for a result.

Created by: SuperBaby

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you still wear diapers?
  2. Do you like wearing diapers?
  3. Do you want to wear diapers?
  4. (Only answer this question if you said yes to question(s) 3 and or 5) What brand and type of diapers do you, (will you, or want to) wear?
  5. (Only answer this question if you said yes to question(s) 3 and or 5). How often do (or will you) wear your diapers?
  6. Did you crap or piss yourself with in the past year? (during the day only)
  7. Did you crap of piss yourself with in the past year? (During the night only).
  8. (Only answer this question if you said yes to question(s) 3 and or 5). Why do you (or want to) wear diapers.
  9. Do you still use a pacifier?
  10. Do you like sucking on a pacifier?
  11. Do you want to use a pacifier?
  12. (Only answer this question if you said yes to question(s) 11 and or 13). How often do (or will you) use your pacifier?
  13. (Only answer this question if you said yes to question(s) 11 and or 13). what type of pacifiers do (or will) you suck on?
  14. (Only answer this question if you said yes to question(s) 11 and or 13). Why do you (want to) suck on pacifiers?
  15. Do you still drink out of a feeding bottle?
  16. Do you like using a feeding bottle?
  17. Do you want to drink out of a feeding bottle
  18. (Only answer this question if you said yes to question(s) 17 and or 19). How often do (or will) you drink out of a feeding bottle?
  19. (Only answer this question if you said yes to question 17, 18 and or 19). Why do (like to or will you) drink out of a feeding bottle again?
  20. Do you believe that you can get tooth decay from drinking from a feeding bottle?
  21. When was the last time you used a feeding bottle?
  22. Do you still suck your thumb?
  23. Do you like sucking your thumb?
  24. Do you want to still suck your thumb?
  25. (Only answer this question if you said yes to question(s) 24 and or 26). How often do (or will) you suck your thumb
  26. (Only answer this question if you said yes to question(s) 24 and or 26). Why do (or will) you suck your thumb?
  27. Do you still sleep in a crib?
  28. Do you like sleeping in a crib?
  29. Do you want to sleep in a crib?
  30. Do you go to bed at night sucking a pacifier?
  31. If you can change your age what would you change it to?
  32. How many times have you gone through the baby section of your local store?
  33. If you could buy diapers without anyone noticing, would you?
  34. If you could buy feeding bottles without anyone noticing, would you?
  35. If you could buy pacifiers without anyone noticing, would you?
  36. Do you still ride in a stroller?
  37. Do you like riding in a stroller?
  38. Do you want to ride in a stroller?
  39. (Only answer this question if you said yes to question(s) 38 or 40). Why do you (or want to) ride in a stroller?

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Quiz topic: Am I still a Baby?