Are you sparten material

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I was looking for a quiz to classify me but there were none to choose from so i made the very first of its kind. I hope it turs out as well as i hoped it would.

This quiz aims to classify who is worth the honor of being a sparten and who isnt. If you arent then shame but if they take this quiz honestly and correctly there will be only a fair few spartens

Created by: Thomas Ferreira
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When you are nean to someone do you...
  2. Would you be able to take a life for the greater good.
  3. If you had to choose which weapon would you take:
  4. Are you tallish or short?
  5. Are you fast to think on your feet?
  6. Are you motivated to do what you feel is right in your eyes?
  7. Some trivia questions: what is sparten locke's first name?
  8. At what age are spartens usually discharged?
  9. Which mark suit does masterchief wear in halo 3
  10. Last question: do you honestly think you are sparten material?

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Quiz topic: Am I sparten material