Are you smarter then a 4th grader?

its the best !!its the best !!its the best !!its the best !!its the best !!its the best !!its the best !!its the best !!its the best !!its the best !!its the best !!

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Created by: Josh
  1. What is 4x10?
  2. What was the American Revolution called?
  3. What is another word for penis?
  4. What is the area of this square with all sides 4?
  5. What is a synonym?
  6. What do calories mean?
  7. Are you emo?
  8. What's the largest country in the world?
  9. Name one type of fish
  10. What is the square root of 12?

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Quiz topic: Am I smarter then a 4th grader?