Are you smarter than a 2 grader

There are alot of smart people out in the world but you are a one of a kind SMARTY PANTS!when you are a smarty pants in my book you are a genius and has a great future a head of you!

your genius I have seen so many but you are a like such a Cool Genius and has a great colorful future! also I knew that you would try this test and complete it and not give up like sore loosers do.

Created by: Tammy
  1. What if your techer says get out your book?
  2. What if they say your bus and your not ready?
  3. You are in a test and is stuck on a 2,000,000 divided by 2?
  4. Who is the guy who was a president and wore a black hat?
  5. Who is the guy who was a president and wore a black hat?
  6. what is 5 times 1,000,000.000?
  7. your teacher makes you stay in for recess what do you do?
  8. you fell asleep in class and every one thinks you did?
  9. what is a math quiz?
  10. should you choose to stay up all night instead of going to bed early for school?
  11. how do you write 1.7 million?

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Quiz topic: Am I smarter than a 2 grader