are you smart or not?

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ok i know some of these questions were hard to answer but they are real questions.... except for the last one and I liked the questions and I even tricked my friend and he got a bad result but hopefully you liek your result

Are you smart? lol if you got that you are retarded i feel relly sorry for you oh and one more thing I hoped you liked my quiz.... i sure as heck didnt

Created by: babygurl123

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. One day, a person went to horse racing area, Instead of counting the number of human and horses, he instead counted 74 heads and 196 legs. Yet he knew the number of humans and horses there. How did he do it, and how many humans and horses are there?
  2. y = log x If y = 10, then what is x?
  3. 10*9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1 = 10! Can this be true?!
  4. What place in this world can have their temperatures Fahrenheit and Celsius equal?
  5. What is the area of a regular hexagon with sides 1 in. long?
  6. Every month, a girl gets allowance. Assume last year she had no money, and kept it up to now. Then she spends 1/2 of her money on clothes, then 1/3 of the remaining money on games, and then 1/4 of the remaining money on toys. After she bought all of that, she had $7777 left. Assuming she only gets money by allowance, how much money does she earn every month?
  7. 132x67=
  8. What question numbe ris this
  9. what is the name of this quiz.....(no cheating)
  10. ok the hardest question of all.......... what does 1 + 1 =

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Quiz topic: Am I smart or not?