Are you smart or dumb?

Onisdiggbckjkkvhhjjjfjgfhiiraachkjjjknffthiooooonrbubeswwfjjjjjjggtrrjjhhgfhjhhgfggrhklllljhgjjjnnhgghhjgdhliil Ikhfjjhjmhgdhhfhmkkfffrefgnhjjhjkknffhn

Nntjujkgetraefhuk,fbhhvbnnmmmnnfbn.jhmggfhgfhjjkkheqqwqwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnmhjghhjhhfkjkuougf😷😷😦👺💄👤gnnnfnnjkohuoihdscnmkkjgrdd cvvcddddd

Created by: Social media kids
  1. If you were caught cheating in a test what would you do?
  2. If your girlfriend/boyfriend caught you cheating on them what would you do?
  3. If someone you hated annoyed you what would you do to get revenge.
  4. If your best friend was murdered what would you do?
  5. Do you like cake?
  6. Are you a backstabber
  7. What would you wear on a date.? .
  8. Have you watched wonder
  9. Whats your favourite dessert in this list?
  10. Do you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: Am I smart or dumb?

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