are you smart (math)

There are billions of people in the world. But some are not so good at math. Do you have what it takes? Do you have the knowledge? Enjoy the quiz.

Do you have the guts to take this quiz? Try this quiz. You should like it. I can't wait to hear a reply. Please comment me. This quiz will take you to a hole other world.

Created by: Ariana
  1. what is 8í—5
  2. what is the denominator of this fraction? 8/25
  3. what is 0.6+0.4?
  4. what is 12í—8
  5. which one of these is the first three multiples of 6?
  6. If Rosy has 8 flowers gives 5 away and 1 of her friends gives her 6 more then another friend gives her 5 more how much does she have now? (you CAN NOT use a calculator.)
  7. Dimond has 80 oranges. She throws 15 away. She sells 25 of them at $2 an orange. She sells the rest at $5 an orange. How much money does she have in all? note to self↓ ( YOU CAN NOT USE A CALCULATOR)
  8. You have a real piece of gold that you want to sell. The first dealer says $999,000 for it. The second dealer wants to pay you $500,000. The third one wants to give you 100,000 for it. Which one of these is better deal?
  9. Cristinna has $20 dollars. She is having a b-day party. 20 people came. Half of them gave her $10 each. 5 of them gave her $20 each. The rest of them gave her $5 each. How much money does she have now? note → (DO NOT USE A CALCULATOR)
  10. (okay here's a super easy one so u can stop thinking.) what is 1+1
  11. what does math accomplish in life

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Quiz topic: Am I smart (math)