Are you Relevant?

This quiz is just to see how many people out there really stop and think about their affect on the planet and on society. Ever wonder if you are Relevant? Well, now you can find out with six different possible answers.

Are you Relevant? Or are you a useless Loser? Maybe you are completely Relevant and deserve mad props for your efforts. Come take this quiz and find out.

Created by: Sarah
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How often do you think about the world around you?
  2. Do you ever give to the needy?
  3. Do you vote?
  4. Do you conserve energy?
  5. Do you believe in aliens?
  6. Do you recycle?
  7. Do you dodge critters on the highway?
  8. Do you think that you are relevant to the world and can contribute something worth while to society?
  9. Do you have children that you do not take care of or spend time with?
  10. Do you think of ways to make the world a better place?
  11. Do you think my quizz is lame and pointless?

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Quiz topic: Am I Relevant?