Are you really weird?

This twelve question quiz will determine if you are really weird.Only a few people are really really weird.Have you ever wondered if you are really weird?

Now you can find out with my quiz.This quiz includes many funny jokes and sayings.I hope you like it.Find out if you are really really weird NOW!!!!!!

Created by: Rylin

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Okay so this quiz is going to tell if you are weird or not.
  2. What do you like to watch?
  3. What do you like to do?
  4. What is your favorite vegetable?(me-i had to)
  5. Hi
  6. What is your favorite color?
  7. Do you like potatoes?
  8. Now we are going to play a game.......
  9. Just kidding!theres no game!
  10. Bye

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Quiz topic: Am I really weird?