Are you really from MIAMI?

Miami is like a different country. I can't even believe that it's part of the United States...ha. Well take this fun quiz to see how much MIAMI is in you.

Miami is the GREATEST PLACE EVER REPRESENT!!! Arcangel y Calle 13!!! REPRESENT FOR your wonderful county GO the 305 and 786 !!!! Woot woot ! Yeah! And no matter where you're from everybody has a little bit miami in you, take this quiz to find out just HOW much!

Created by: disney101

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you ever eaten at a place called "LA CARRETA" ?
  2. Who is Daddy Yankee?
  3. Calle Ocho is...
  4. A Chulo is...
  5. (Song lyrics) Lo Que
  6. A traditional Hispanic/Cuban Woman shops at....
  7. Navarro is...
  8. Sedano's is a place where you can get
  9. Along with Cubans, and other Latin Americans __________ also have a large population in Miami
  10. Oscar Haza is...
  11. What radio station would you most likely listen to?

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Quiz topic: Am I really from MIAMI?