Are you really emo? Or just a really depressed Goth?

Are you emo? Are you Goth? Well its time to find out!!!!! Take this quiz, its results are garanteed to be 100% accurate!!! There is also no discrimination or mental help offered during this quiz, so real emos and goths - feel free to take it!!!!

Are you emo? Are you Goth? Well its time to find out!!!!! Take this quiz, its results are garanteed to be 100% accurate!!! There is also no discrimination or mental help offered during this quiz, so real emos and goths - feel free to take it!!!!!!!!

Created by: Aimee
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you ever tried to commit suicide?
  2. Do you cut yourself?
  3. Which of these are you most likely to do?
  4. Wich of these colours do you like the most?
  5. Wich of these colours do you dislike the most?
  6. Which of these elements most resembles you (in your own opinion)?
  7. How do you dress?
  8. wich band do you like the most:
  9. The animal that you think most resembles you?
  10. Were you depresed while taking this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I really emo? Or just a really depressed Goth?