Are you really down with the clown?

There are wayyy to many posers out there. Do you think your down? do you really have what it takes? prove it hear. Let me hear ya juggalos and lettes. lets shut these punk ass b----es up once and for all. step right up!

Time to puts your skills to the test to see if your a true juggalo or just another fake b----. Im sure if you opened this quiz you must know soommmething right? well lets just see how smart you really are. so step up and enjoy the ride.

Created by: haley
  1. What Does ICP stand for now?
  2. Which of the following is NOT a psycopathic records artist?
  3. What is your drink of choice?
  4. were is the gathering held this year?
  5. How many joker cards are there?
  6. finish the lyric.... "All my life i've been livin it all alone...
  7. who does ICP have beef with?
  8. Do you think your down?
  9. what you rep?

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Quiz topic: Am I really down with the clown?