Are you REALLY a gymnast? (I will be honest!)

There are many gymnasts, are YOU one of them? You may think that you are a true gymnast, but, this quiz will tell you the final truth! (Please note that this quiz is just for fun and if you are like, Simone Biles and it says that you are not a true gymnast, don't tke it too seriously.)

Are you really a gymnast? Flipping, flying, falling, sometimes failing, but always having fun, are you that person? Find out in a few minutes when you take this quiz. This is just for fun, again though, don't take it too seriously.

Created by: Lily T.

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Can you do the splits?
  2. What is the best thing you can do?
  3. How often do you practice?
  4. When someone fall off the beam what do you do?
  5. Does your body hurt, all the time?
  6. What do you do if you loose your balance?
  7. Do you point your toes often?
  8. do you workout?
  9. Do you watch gymnastics videos?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I REALLY a gymnast? (I will be honest!)