Are you ready for jr high

This quiz is to let you know if you're ready to jr high if you are unsure you'll find out so I wish you good luck and please comment if you enjoyed enjoy

So answer honestly.and have fun. So if you get a sneer you don't like and remember be yourself and be kind share your light with all the world and don't forget have fun

Created by: Lola
  1. What grade are you in or going into
  2. Do you have a lot of freinds
  3. Average grade you have or had in scool
  4. Do you like talking to people
  5. Are you organized
  6. You're attitude
  7. Have you been in a relationship
  8. Are you exited for jr high
  9. Are you in to makeup
  10. Have you enjoyed this quiz no effect

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Quiz topic: Am I ready for jr high
