Are you Random?

Random-ness is a serius mental problem.If your answer sugests that your mind has let down its walls to this mental illness than consult a doctor.Just rember YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Don't ACCTUALLY consult a doctor, you just need to tone down a bit. LOL

Are you random? Do people stare at you in the street and turn round and say to the person next to them "I may have cancer but im not as bad as that"when you wear your bright pink suit in public? Find out here in a few minutes!

Created by: Molly
  1. Do you like ice cream?
  2. What flavour?
  3. Do you like me?
  4. What are you doing today?
  5. fi oyu acn drea htsi uoy era nuveilbylba egstarn.Os nca uyo?
  6. hi
  7. What is your fave animal?
  8. Do you like this quiz?
  9. Are you gonna rate it
  10. bye i will miss u

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Quiz topic: Am I Random?