Are you Psychic?

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Dear Quiz Taker, We are Misery's Children. Our names are Arachna and Katrina... we've seen wonderous, strange and scary things... We are making quizes to help show paranormal, and strange things to all of you!

This quiz will show your talents... Are you a psychic? Take this quiz to find out! If you have questions on the quiz, or just a comment leave a note in the comments... we love feedback >:)

Created by: Misery's Children
  1. Do u know the caller or can u predict when the phone is going to ring, before it rings?
  2. Have u ever had a hunch about something, and it turns out u were right?
  3. Can u make predictions, tell personailitys, or see the future with crystal balls, numerlogy, astrology, cards, candles, or palm readings?
  4. Do you hear things that most people cannot hear?
  5. Can you feel others emotions?
  6. Can you move things with your mind?
  7. Can you read others minds?
  8. can you control fire or water with your mind?
  9. Can u see auras?
  10. We hope you get the results you want, please comment and rate and stay tuned for our upcoming Quiz.... Are you being Haunted. Farewell -Arachna and Katrina

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Quiz topic: Am I Psychic?