Are You Pretty?

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~ Girls Only! ~ First off, everyone's beautiful! Beauty is such a quirky thing nowadays...... It's what clothes you wear, what makeup you put on, how much acne you have, e.t.c.,

Take this quiz to find out if you are beautiful, inside and out! NOTE: This quiz also focuses on personality. What's the point of a lovely body and attractive features if there isn't a lovely soul to go with it?

Created by: AliChic199

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  1. Hi I'm Ali, and welcome to my quiz! So, first off I'll start with some hair questions! What color is your hair? (Answer honestly, girls, you're all gorgeous!)
  2. What texture is you're hair?
  3. What pigment is your skin?
  4. What do you have on your face?
  5. Okay, now, what's your eye color?
  6. What face shape do you have?
  7. What body shape do you have?
  8. What is your most beautiful feature?
  9. What is your definition of a beautiful person?
  10. What is your personality like?
  11. Do you think you're pretty?
  12. Goodbye, my dears! Hope you like your results!

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Quiz topic: Am I Pretty?