Are you paranoid or anxious?

This quiz will give you an idea of beig paranoid or anxious. I do not know everything but i know some of the symptoms of these health issues. I also know of you should see a doctor or not.

Please take time to do this quiz. Be honest, because you may go to the doctor after saying you get this or that when you dont and may embarres yourself.

Created by: Daisy

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have trouble sleeping? Eg: tossing and turning, restless nights, waking up alot?
  2. Do you panic and when you do, feel short of breath and panic even more?
  3. Do you shake all the time or alot?
  4. Do you ever feel like someones in your house or round the cornor and you get to scared to look or move?
  5. Do you ever get chest pains when your scared or home alone?
  6. Do you ever freak out when family members argue?
  7. Do you cry and shake at night if you hear a noise or think of ghosts or somebody behind you?
  8. Do you always think somebody is behind you when its dark and you cant turn around after thinking that?
  9. Do you over react in scary situations?
  10. Do you feel paranoid alot?
  11. Do you feel anxious alot?

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Quiz topic: Am I paranoid or anxious?