Are you not sure about your sexuality?

Do you sit there and wonder about your sexuality? Are you scared to admit it to your friends and family? I made this quiz to help you figure out your sexuality, it may not be accurate, but it's pretty damn close.

Here you will find some hints on your sexuality, and maybe get some answers. I have tryed to put as much thought into this quiz as possible, now try it...

Created by: Chexy of ChexyGrace
(your link here more info)

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Say you see someone of the same sex, and think their hot. What would you do?
  2. When you masturbate, what do you often think of?
  3. What do your nail's look like?
  4. How long have you questioned yourself about your sexuality?
  5. If so, what have you ever done with the same sex?
  6. If thing's did happen with you and the same sex, how did you feel about it?
  7. How do you dress?
  8. Do you fantacise about sexual situation's with the same sex?
  9. Out of 100%, how much do you think of the same sex?
  10. Do you care about what other's think of you?
  11. Are you scared to admit what you think about the same sex?
  12. Are you very touchy towards the same sex?
  13. Can you see yourself with the same sex?
  14. If so, why have you done something with the same sex?
  15. Do you enjoy getting attention from the same sex?

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Quiz topic: Am I not sure about my sexuality?