Are you neighborly???

Are you a good neighbor? Do you care about those loving, scary, rude or nice people that might live right next to you? Like it or not, they are there and they see you, hear you and know if your home or not everyday! Take this quiz to find out!

Are you a good neighbor? Few are truly a good neighbor! If you don't know, this is a good time to find out!!! You will find out after these few little questions!

Created by: Jewel
  1. Do you know your neighbors name?
  2. Do you know your neighbors name?
  3. How close are you,friend wise, to your neighbor?
  4. How many times have you brought your neighbor gifts?
  5. When was the last time you talked to your neighbor?
  6. Where is your neighbor right now?
  7. Have you introduced your friends to your neighbor's?
  8. Is your neighbor your.....
  9. How would you describe your neighbor?
  10. How would you explain a broken window to you neighbor?
  11. What would you do if your friend wanted to spray paint their house???
  12. Since How long have you known your neighbor?
  13. Where do you live?
  14. Do you love your neighbor?
  15. How much did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I neighborly???