I am now officially single and lookin:]] Some of yall know about my past relationships.... lets not go there. But I know what i want now, and am looking for that special guy.

Are you boyfriend material for me?? Curious, just wanna know?? We'll take my quiz and lets see how ya do! Have fun and remember BE HONEST!!! xoxo MARIE

Created by: marie of this site
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Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where would you take me on a date??
  2. If you could describe yourself best as one of these phrases or words, which one would it be?? BE HONEST!
  3. If you found some guy hitting on your girlfriend you would most likely....
  4. What time do you think is acceptable for you to pull the first kiss??
  5. Which sport do you like to watch the most on television, or which one do you play??
  6. If someone cracked a racist joke you would most likely...
  7. What are you looking for in a girl?
  8. You would want your girlfriend to be most like (characteristic wise).....
  9. Your favorite type of food is....
  10. What religion are you?

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Quiz topic: Am I MY TYPE OF GUY?