Are you more of Jin or Jang?

Are you interested in Chinese philosofy? Have you ever wondered whether you are more of the Jin or the Jang? If you want to find out, take this short quiz.

There are 10 questions with 2 answers for each, one of them the answer for Jin and the second one for Jang. If you would like your results to be accurate, please answer honestly.

Created by: STELLA
  1. It is a day off! How do you relax?
  2. What is your favourite part of the day?
  3. Which season do you prefer?
  4. You meet a new person. What do you focus on more?
  5. Are you competitive?
  6. Which one boosts your creativity and makes you feel better?
  7. Do you control your emotions are do you tend to be agressive?
  8. Do you rely on your intuition?
  9. Are you a male, a female, or other?
  10. And finally, do you mind it a lot when it rains?

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Quiz topic: Am I more of Jin or Jang?
