Are you Mad About MajorSamFan?

I have many flisters, but how well do they know me? Do they go beyond the usual skimming of my posts, or have they dug beneath the surface (yes, that's a Stargate reference!) to learn about the real me? Find out just how well YOU know the real MajorSamFan.

Are YOU mad about MajorSamFan? Have you been paying attention to those wild and wacky posts? Will your answers reflect an in-depth knowledge of MajorSamFan's inner workings? We'll see...

Created by: Jill

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What kind of vehicle do I drive?
  2. In the recent meme, "What State am I?", which of the four Pacific Coast states did I NOT mention having received as a result?
  3. Who is my favorite actress of all time?
  4. My birthday is in what month?
  5. Which of the following is NOT one of my hobbies/interests?
  6. What do I do for a living?
  7. How do I volunteer in my community?
  8. Which of the following is NOT one of my favorite authors?
  9. What did I give up for Lent this year?
  10. Which of the following is NOT a nickname used by me or for me by others?
  11. In the last 18 months I lost (and unfortunately regained) how many pounds (avoirdupois - sorry, Brits!)?
  12. For which of the following Yahoo groups am I the owner/mod?
  13. What is my username on AIM?
  14. From which of the following medical conditions do I *not* suffer?
  15. To which gym do I belong?
  16. How old was I when my Dad died?
  17. How old was I when our house burned down?
  18. The mad skillz of which Sweet Charity Ho did I win last fall?
  19. How many (if any) siblings do I have and in what configuration?
  20. Which of the following is not one of my fannish obsessions?
  21. How tall am I?
  22. Did I NaNo in 2007?
  23. Which of the following has NOT been one of my default icons?
  24. Which of the following is least likely to cross my lips?
  25. The name of my adopted bunny on my eljay profile/userinfo page is:
  26. What picture do I have on my Facebook profile?
  27. On the Facebook "Addicted to Stargate" trivia quiz, what level have I achieved?
  28. What kind of Livejournal account do I have?
  29. How many 100 (or more)-prompt tables do I have on my userinfo page?

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Quiz topic: Am I Mad About MajorSamFan?