Are you like me?!?!?

There are alot of people in the world, but few are like me. If you are like me, we should talk sometime! Like, either date (boys) or hang (girls) :D:D

There are alot of people in the world, but few are like me. If you are like me, we should talk sometime! Take this quix to see if youre like moi!!!!!!

Created by: Sireenqueen

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Are you punk?
  2. Where do you live?
  3. Are you g*y?
  4. Do you like Twilight?
  5. Are you team Edward?
  6. How do you look?
  7. Are you random?
  8. Are you a boy?
  9. Did you say "Wanna date" on the last question? Cuz if you did, comment here!
  10. Are you hot?
  11. Fave color?

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Quiz topic: Am I like me?!?!?