Are You Like Jose Espino?

Out in todays society there are many people out there that are just like jose Espino that are living among us. If you are one of those unlucky few people then you need to seek some serious help and try to stay kool

Are YOU a Jose Espino? There arent many EASY ways to tell if you are by yourself. But with this LIFESAVING quiz, it could determine your life AND your death

Created by: Lucinda of Chatty Lucinda
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you get angry after 4 pm?
  2. When a girl/guy doesnt like you do how do you react?
  3. Your friends are in the bed of your truck hiding while you drive. You arrive at your destination and you want them to get out quickly so no one sees them even though no one is around you....?
  4. The "new" girl/guy you like is taken you....
  5. What kind of car do you drive?
  6. in your closet your favorite shirt is....
  7. What are your favorite pair of shoes...?
  8. What kind of girls/guys are you attracted to ...?
  9. If you were in band what instrument would you play?
  10. Gender?

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Quiz topic: Am I Like Jose Espino?