Are you Invisable?

You may pass someone in the hall who are always surrounded by people. But are you ever surrounded, or noticed? Are you Invisable? What is invisable? Its when you walk around feeling alone, and no one really knows who you truly are!

Are you invisable? Do people surround you, or are you the one getting shoved a side. Until now, you could only wonder. But now, there is a quiz to determine whether your noticed by everyone, or just invisable. Come on, try it! Good luck!

Created by: Kyra
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Has anyone ever sat on you, not knowing that you were right under them?
  2. How many people during the day wave or say HI to you?
  3. Has any boy/girl ever liked you?
  4. At a party, are you...
  5. When you are talking to someone new, you...
  6. Do people around you know who you are?
  7. During class, you...
  8. When your talking to a boy/girl that you like, you...
  9. Has someone ever waved in your direction, and after you stupidly wave back, you relize that they were waving to the person behind you?
  10. Whats your favorite color?

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Quiz topic: Am I Invisable?