are you insane?

Have you ever been called an insane, psyco maniac by one or all of your friends? Well here is you chance to find out if they were telling the truth! This quiz was designed by a couple of weirdos themselves so they know what's what.

Maybe your cat is your only friend, so take this quiz if that is you! Your friend obviously can't tell you if you are psycotic, but we can! Don't worry, we'll be your friends if you take this quiz...

Created by: jim

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what do you like doing when your bored?
  2. if you were an animal what would you be?
  3. whats your fave fast food place
  4. what would your super powers be?
  5. do/did you enjoy school?
  6. fav colour
  7. whats your favouite memories?
  8. what is your favourite past time?
  9. what is your fav food?
  10. who is your idol?

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Quiz topic: Am I insane?