Are You In Love? In A Healthy Relationship? [AReallyGoodTest^^]

Okay .. it's my definition of love.. so don't get like WO OH .. these are good points in my questions .. others sounds crazy .. but it's my opinion ..REAL love is HARD to find.. Remember "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."

Are you in love? Go and find what type of -love- do you have..It's important not losing time.. love is dificult.. but once you have it you can't get this out .. And! Love doesn't is more or less because of how long you have been together.. it's mostly about what you have been though ..

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Can you and him/her don't fight for a month?
  2. Is she/he jealous?
  3. Are you jealous?
  4. Have you had big problems? Such like cheating?
  5. Do you think about any body else while being with him/her?
  6. Does her/him say crazy things to you when he's mad?
  7. If you were going to a shop, and your buying something , what do you do?
  8. Have you break up more then 2 times and then get back together?
  9. Do you talk for hours and never get bored?
  10. When you talk , what do you constantly talk about?
  11. How did you get to be his/her girl/boyfriend?
  12. Have you cried more then 5 times for his/her fault ? [For bad desicions or words she/he shouldn't have said ?]
  13. Have you kissed apasionately with him or her at 2 months of dating?
  14. have you ever talked about your parents problems? And he/she has helped you?
  15. Loving is aceppting someone like they are, is trusting them your soul .. is everything .. If you love someone you'd EVER cheat on them , lie to them , or stuff liket hat. DO YOU LOVE THEM?
  16. Selec your answer

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Quiz topic: Am I In Love? In A Healthy Relationship? [AReallyGoodTest^^]