Are you Hermione, Harry or Ron?

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Have you ever wondered if you are Harry, Ron or Hermione, well you can find out here. Harry's brave, Hermione's clever and Ron's loyal. These ten questions will tell you who you are.

All you have to do is click the answer that suits you best and let it tell you who you are. I spent a long time trying to make this quiz perfect so I hope you enjoy doing it.

Created by: Emma
  1. Are you a muggle, pure blood or half blood
  2. What is your favourite spell?
  3. Imagine you are 9 years old and I ask you this question, what is Hogwarts?
  4. You are in the library and you come across a book obviously full of dark magic you...
  5. You come across a hipogriff what do you do?
  6. Your told one day before that you have to duel with Voldemort to save the wizarding world. What do you do?
  7. Totally random question won't effect your answer. What's your favourite colour?
  8. Your told you have your mothers eyes.
  9. Who do you want to be.
  10. You are surrounded by werewolves including Lupin you...

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Quiz topic: Am I Hermione, Harry or Ron?
