Are You Good At Geography?

There are many people who are good at geography. Are you one of them? If you are, then you have to prove it by taking the quiz and seeing your score!!

You see, this quiz is very fun but hard. You might be 100 percent or you might be 1 percent. You have to get most of the stuff correct to be 100 percent. Its very hard though so you have to try your best.

Created by: Vincent of
(your link here more info)
  1. What is Europe's 5th biggest country?
  2. What is Europe's Biggest country?
  3. What is the Tenth biggest country in the world?
  4. What is the capital of Denmark?
  5. What is the capital of Serbia?
  6. What is the capital of Croatia?
  7. Was Austria ever part of Germany?
  8. What country is Vienna in?
  9. What country is Georgetown in?
  10. What is the capital of Finland?
  11. What was the 2nd emperor to be made?
  12. Did you like the quiz???
  13. Sixth to last question: How many people are there in the world?
  14. Fifth to last question: what is the most populous country?
  15. Fourth to last question: What is the capital of Sudan?
  16. Third to last question: what is the capital of Seychelles?
  17. Second to last question: is USA bigger then Brazil without Alaska and Hawaii?
  18. This has nothing to do with geography but I'm just doing it for fun. How much world cups did France win? If you get this right you will get a high score because this is a special question.
  19. Extra question time!! Who conquered Brazil?

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Quiz topic: Am I Good At Geography?