Are you fluent in your target language?

This is a description of my test. I don't know what to write here so I'm going to be randomly smashing the caps until this gets as long as the rules require it.


Created by: EGS
  1. Do you need to translate in your head when you speak?
  2. How comfortable is it for you to speak your target language.
  3. Are you stressed when you're speaking your target language.
  4. In how long do you get tired while speaking your target language?
  5. Can you talk about any topic?
  6. How fast can you speak?
  7. Do you have to think about the grammar rules?
  8. How fast speech can you understand?
  9. How many accents can you understand?
  10. Can you be yourself you your native language?
  11. Do you understand humor and jokes?

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Quiz topic: Am I fluent in my target language?
