Are you fit to be a spartan?

There are many soldiers in the world but there are few true spartans. Spartans are true soldiers who believe in dieing for their country. You need to take this quiz cuz if you dont then youll never kvow if your a spartan.

Are you a battle hardened soldier who would lay their life on the line for the the person fighting next to them. The title Spartan is the ultimate compliment to a soldier. So Congrats if you get A 100, and if you get a zero then go jump in a lake.

Created by: dakota

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you well trained in the use of weapons? (don't lie)
  2. How much can you lift? (don't lie)
  3. Are you courageous? (DO NOT LIE!!!)
  4. Have you ever killed an animal or other human being?
  5. If you had to bow down to a Persian dude who thinks he's a god what would you do?
  6. Have you ever fired a military grade weapon?
  7. Do you have the discipline to follow orders without a second thought even if it leads you into the face of certain death?
  8. You see a rhino running at you, what do you do?
  9. You're engaged in a close-up battle with a persian warrior person, how do you kill him?
  10. If I said " THIS IS" you would say?

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Quiz topic: Am I fit to be a spartan?