Are you even half-bullet proof?

this test is based on how many bullets you can take, if any. if you score good enough, you should join the army, get cloned, and be a shield for our troops.

Seriously, if you score 75 percent or better, join the army, clone 100's of you, and we will have a perfectly shielded army! LOL, that would be too funny.

Created by: Aqualung
  1. How much do you weigh
  2. if you weigh over 350, how much fat are you?
  3. Have you ever been shot or deeply stabbed by someone?
  4. If you weigh over 600, are you still mobile?
  5. would you even attempt to let someone shoot you to see if you were bulletproof?
  6. if you are over 600 pounds, can you still operate a handgun?
  7. can you twitch?
  8. If you weigh over 600, Can you engage in combat (Military/Army style)?
  9. you know it is almost impossible to be fully bulletproof, this only indicates if you are half.
  10. are you ready?

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Quiz topic: Am I even half-bullet proof?