Are you dumb at everything

Wow you are pretty smart this is over average we'll done go out and tell the world how smart you think you are it might be worthy to try it but I wish you

Wow you are pretty smart this is over average we'll done go out and tell the world how smart you think you are it might be worthy to try it but I wish you ?

Created by: Nicholas

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Can you cook a egg
  2. Can you speak English
  3. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend
  4. Did you go to school uni etc.
  5. How often do you go outside
  6. Do u like tea etc.
  7. Do you own a television
  8. Do you like computers programing
  9. Am I stupid
  10. Do u wish you where dumb

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Quiz topic: Am I dumb at everything